Hello Employers,

I am looking forward to building a relationship that lasts between Oregon State University and your company. As you endeavor to fill positions with quality talent and increase visibility around campus for your organization we want to be your first stop for questions, concerns, or to be a sounding board for advertising and connection opportunities. One of my favorite aspects of this position is facilitating events and opportunities for employers and students to network and connect. I love hearing success stories from students returning to our office, or hearing from a representative that has hired a great student or alumni. Seeing the fruit of those interactions and hearing of a successful hire or a great contact made makes it all worth the effort and is a great reminder of what the Career Development Center is striving for. I am committed to the success of our students in pursuing the opportunities you have to offer and if there is any way I can make that easier for you, please do let me know.


Rachel Finch
Employer Relations Manager
Oregon State University | The Career Development Center