Civil Engineering at Oregon State University is a diverse professional field with areas of concentration in structural engineering, transportation engineering, geotechnical engineering, water resources engineering, surveying, and ocean engineering.
Position Title | Projected Growth (2014-2024) | Preparation Required | 2015 Median Wage |
Architects, Except Landscape and Naval
Position Description:Plan and design structures, such as private residences, office buildings, theaters, factories, and other structural property.
Projected Growth:
Average (5% to 8%)
Median Pay:
$82,850 per year
Job Zone 4
Position Duties:
Average (5% to 8%) | Job Zone 4 | $82,850 per year |
Architectural and Engineering Managers
Position Description:Plan, direct, or coordinate activities in such fields as architecture and engineering or research and development in these fields.
Projected Growth:
Slower than average (2% to 4%)
Median Pay:
$141,650 per year
Job Zone 5
Position Duties:
Slower than average (2% to 4%) | Job Zone 5 | $141,650 per year |
City and Regional Planning Aides
Position Description:Compile data from various sources, such as maps, reports, and field and file investigations, for use by city planner in making planning studies.
Projected Growth:
Much faster than average (14% or higher)
Median Pay:
$45,760 per year
Job Zone 4
Position Duties:
Much faster than average (14% or higher) | Job Zone 4 | $45,760 per year |
Civil Engineering Technicians
Position Description:Apply theory and principles of civil engineering in planning, designing, and overseeing construction and maintenance of structures and facilities under the direction of engineering staff or physical scientists.
Projected Growth:
Average (5% to 8%)
Median Pay:
$51,330 per year
Job Zone 3
Position Duties:
Average (5% to 8%) | Job Zone 3 | $51,330 per year |
Civil Engineers
Position Description:Perform engineering duties in planning, designing, and overseeing construction and maintenance of building structures, and facilities, such as roads, railroads, airports, bridges, harbors, channels, dams, irrigation projects, pipelines, power plants, and water and sewage systems.
Projected Growth:
Average (5% to 8%)
Median Pay:
$87,940 per year
Job Zone 4
Position Duties:
Average (5% to 8%) | Job Zone 4 | $87,940 per year |
Compliance Officers
Position Description:Examine, evaluate, and investigate eligibility for or conformity with laws and regulations governing contract compliance of licenses and permits, and perform other compliance and enforcement inspection and analysis activities not classified elsewhere.
Projected Growth:
Slower than average (2% to 4%)
Median Pay:
$69,180 per year
Job Zone 4
Position Duties:
Slower than average (2% to 4%) | Job Zone 4 | $69,180 per year |
Construction Managers
Position Description:Plan, direct, or coordinate, usually through subordinate supervisory personnel, activities concerned with the construction and maintenance of structures, facilities, and systems. Participate in the conceptual development of a construction project and oversee its organization, scheduling, budgeting, and implementation. Includes managers in specialized construction fields, such as carpentry or plumbing.
Projected Growth:
Average (5% to 8%)
Median Pay:
$97,510 per year
Job Zone 4
Position Duties:
Average (5% to 8%) | Job Zone 4 | $97,510 per year |
Environmental Engineers
Position Description:Research, design, plan, or perform engineering duties in the prevention, control, and remediation of environmental hazards using various engineering disciplines. Work may include waste treatment, site remediation, or pollution control technology.
Projected Growth:
Faster than average (9% to 13%)
Median Pay:
$88,040 per year
Job Zone 5
Position Duties:
Faster than average (9% to 13%) | Job Zone 5 | $88,040 per year |
Highway Maintenance Workers
Position Description:Maintain highways, municipal and rural roads, airport runways, and rights-of-way. Duties include patching broken or eroded pavement, repairing guard rails, highway markers, and snow fences. May also mow or clear brush from along road or plow snow from roadway.
Projected Growth:
Average (5% to 8%)
Median Pay:
$38,200 per year
Job Zone 2
Position Duties:
Average (5% to 8%) | Job Zone 2 | $38,200 per year |
Hydroelectric Plant Technicians
Position Description:Monitor and control activities associated with hydropower generation. Operate plant equipment, such as turbines, pumps, valves, gates, fans, electric control boards, and battery banks. Monitor equipment operation and performance and make necessary adjustments to ensure optimal performance. Perform equipment maintenance and repair as necessary.
Projected Growth:
Little or no change (-1% to 1%)
Median Pay:
$55,530 per year
Job Zone 3
Position Duties:
Little or no change (-1% to 1%) | Job Zone 3 | $55,530 per year |
Hydroelectric Production Managers
Position Description:Manage operations at hydroelectric power generation facilities. Maintain and monitor hydroelectric plant equipment for efficient and safe plant operations.
Projected Growth:
Decline (-2% or lower)
Median Pay:
$103,720 per year
Job Zone 3
Position Duties:
Decline (-2% or lower) | Job Zone 3 | $103,720 per year |
Manufacturing Production Technicians
Position Description:Set up, test, and adjust manufacturing machinery or equipment, using any combination of electrical, electronic, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, or computer technologies.
Projected Growth:
Little or no change (-1% to 1%)
Median Pay:
$62,820 per year
Job Zone 3
Position Duties:
Little or no change (-1% to 1%) | Job Zone 3 | $62,820 per year |
Mining and Geological Engineers, Including Mining Safety Engineers
Position Description:Conduct sub-surface surveys to identify the characteristics of potential land or mining development sites. May specify the ground support systems, processes and equipment for safe, economical, and environmentally sound extraction or underground construction activities. May inspect areas for unsafe geological conditions, equipment, and working conditions. May design, implement, and coordinate mine safety programs.
Projected Growth:
Average (5% to 8%)
Median Pay:
$107,880 per year
Job Zone 4
Position Duties:
Average (5% to 8%) | Job Zone 4 | $107,880 per year |
Structural Iron and Steel Workers
Position Description:Raise, place, and unite iron or steel girders, columns, and other structural members to form completed structures or structural frameworks. May erect metal storage tanks and assemble prefabricated metal buildings.
Projected Growth:
Much faster than average (14% or higher)
Median Pay:
$54,750 per year
Job Zone 2
Position Duties:
Much faster than average (14% or higher) | Job Zone 2 | $54,750 per year |
Technical Writers
Position Description:Write technical materials, such as equipment manuals, appendices, or operating and maintenance instructions. May assist in layout work.
Projected Growth:
Average (5% to 8%)
Median Pay:
$73,350 per year
Job Zone 4
Position Duties:
Average (5% to 8%) | Job Zone 4 | $73,350 per year |
Telecommunications Engineering Specialists
Position Description:Design or configure voice, video, and data communications systems. Supervise installation and post-installation service and maintenance.
Projected Growth:
Faster than average (9% to 13%)
Median Pay:
$103,100 per year
Job Zone 3
Position Duties:
Faster than average (9% to 13%) | Job Zone 3 | $103,100 per year |
Traffic Technicians
Position Description:Conduct field studies to determine traffic volume, speed, effectiveness of signals, adequacy of lighting, and other factors influencing traffic conditions, under direction of traffic engineer.
Projected Growth:
Little or no change (-1% to 1%)
Median Pay:
$47,660 per year
Job Zone 3
Position Duties:
Little or no change (-1% to 1%) | Job Zone 3 | $47,660 per year |
Transportation Engineers
Position Description:Develop plans for surface transportation projects, according to established engineering standards and state or federal construction policy. Prepare designs, specifications, or estimates for transportation facilities. Plan modifications of existing streets, highways, or freeways to improve traffic flow.
Projected Growth:
Average (5% to 8%)
Median Pay:
$87,940 per year
Job Zone 4
Position Duties:
Average (5% to 8%) | Job Zone 4 | $87,940 per year |
Urban and Regional Planners
Position Description:Develop comprehensive plans and programs for use of land and physical facilities of jurisdictions, such as towns, cities, counties, and metropolitan areas.
Projected Growth:
Average (5% to 8%)
Median Pay:
$70,680 per year
Job Zone 5
Position Duties:
Average (5% to 8%) | Job Zone 5 | $70,680 per year |
Water Resource Specialists
Position Description:Design or implement programs and strategies related to water resource issues such as supply, quality, and regulatory compliance issues.
Projected Growth:
Slower than average (2% to 4%)
Median Pay:
$136,570 per year
Job Zone 4
Position Duties:
Slower than average (2% to 4%) | Job Zone 4 | $136,570 per year |
Water/Wastewater Engineers
Position Description:Design or oversee projects involving provision of potable water, disposal of wastewater and sewage, or prevention of flood-related damage. Prepare environmental documentation for water resources, regulatory program compliance, data management and analysis, and field work. Perform hydraulic modeling and pipeline design.
Projected Growth:
Faster than average (9% to 13%)
Median Pay:
$88,040 per year
Job Zone 4
Position Duties:
Faster than average (9% to 13%) | Job Zone 4 | $88,040 per year |
Plan and design structures, such as private residences, office buildings, theaters, factories, and other structural property.
Plan, direct, or coordinate activities in such fields as architecture and engineering or research and development in these fields.
Compile data from various sources, such as maps, reports, and field and file investigations, for use by city planner in making planning studies.
Perform engineering duties in planning, designing, and overseeing construction and maintenance of building structures, and facilities, such as roads, railroads, airports, bridges, harbors, channels, dams, irrigation projects, pipelines, power plants, and water and sewage systems.
Apply theory and principles of civil engineering in planning, designing, and overseeing construction and maintenance of structures and facilities under the direction of engineering staff or physical scientists.
Examine, evaluate, and investigate eligibility for or conformity with laws and regulations governing contract compliance of licenses and permits, and perform other compliance and enforcement inspection and analysis activities not classified elsewhere.
Plan, direct, or coordinate, usually through subordinate supervisory personnel, activities concerned with the construction and maintenance of structures, facilities, and systems. Participate in the conceptual development of a construction project and oversee its organization, scheduling, budgeting, and implementation. Includes managers in specialized construction fields, such as carpentry or plumbing.
Research, design, plan, or perform engineering duties in the prevention, control, and remediation of environmental hazards using various engineering disciplines. Work may include waste treatment, site remediation, or pollution control technology.
Maintain highways, municipal and rural roads, airport runways, and rights-of-way. Duties include patching broken or eroded pavement, repairing guard rails, highway markers, and snow fences. May also mow or clear brush from along road or plow snow from roadway.
Manage operations at hydroelectric power generation facilities. Maintain and monitor hydroelectric plant equipment for efficient and safe plant operations.
Monitor and control activities associated with hydropower generation. Operate plant equipment, such as turbines, pumps, valves, gates, fans, electric control boards, and battery banks. Monitor equipment operation and performance and make necessary adjustments to ensure optimal performance. Perform equipment maintenance and repair as necessary.
Set up, test, and adjust manufacturing machinery or equipment, using any combination of electrical, electronic, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, or computer technologies.
Conduct sub-surface surveys to identify the characteristics of potential land or mining development sites. May specify the ground support systems, processes and equipment for safe, economical, and environmentally sound extraction or underground construction activities. May inspect areas for unsafe geological conditions, equipment, and working conditions. May design, implement, and coordinate mine safety programs.
Raise, place, and unite iron or steel girders, columns, and other structural members to form completed structures or structural frameworks. May erect metal storage tanks and assemble prefabricated metal buildings.
Write technical materials, such as equipment manuals, appendices, or operating and maintenance instructions. May assist in layout work.
Design or configure voice, video, and data communications systems. Supervise installation and post-installation service and maintenance.
Conduct field studies to determine traffic volume, speed, effectiveness of signals, adequacy of lighting, and other factors influencing traffic conditions, under direction of traffic engineer.
Develop plans for surface transportation projects, according to established engineering standards and state or federal construction policy. Prepare designs, specifications, or estimates for transportation facilities. Plan modifications of existing streets, highways, or freeways to improve traffic flow.
Develop comprehensive plans and programs for use of land and physical facilities of jurisdictions, such as towns, cities, counties, and metropolitan areas.
Design or implement programs and strategies related to water resource issues such as supply, quality, and regulatory compliance issues.
Design or oversee projects involving provision of potable water, disposal of wastewater and sewage, or prevention of flood-related damage. Prepare environmental documentation for water resources, regulatory program compliance, data management and analysis, and field work. Perform hydraulic modeling and pipeline design.
Explore career information and other resources specifically tailored to Civil Engineering majors.
Career Development Center
A110 Kerr Admin Building, Corvallis, OR 97331
541-737-4085 • Contact Us
Summer Hours:
Mon-Thurs, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.