Oregon State students are problem-solvers. They’re doers. They are dedicated, innovative, and ready to make a difference in your organization. Are you ready to recruit from Beaver Nation?
Recruiting at Oregon State
Welcome! We’re glad you’re interested in hiring a student from Beaver Nation – Oregon’s largest research university.
Getting Started: first steps to recruiting at Oregon State
- If you’re new to recruiting at Oregon State, take minute to learn more about our students and the academic programs offered at OSU.
- To post a job or sign up for a career fair, you’ll need to register for a Handshake account. Handshake is the OSU Career Development Center’s online career management system; it allows you to post part-time jobs, internships, and full-time positions.
- Please review our employer policies to make sure positions you post comply with Oregon State’s recruiting practices.
- Need Handshake support? Check out the help center or contact [email protected].
Maximize your efforts: Build campus connections
You can increase your chances of getting great student applicants by engaging directly with students on campus. Try these methods to build student awareness of your organization.
1. Attend a Career Event
We host in-person and virtual career events every term; review our calendar of upcoming employer events and sign up today for your best chance at connecting with Beavers who are eager to find jobs and internships.
2. Connect with student organizations
OSU is home to more than 300 student organizations, including student chapters of professional organizations, or clubs related to specific majors and fields of study.
Browse the student organization database and reach out directly to the leaders of organizations relevant to your industry. Offer to speak at a meeting or hold an info session.
3. Share your expertise
Students are eager to hear from professionals who are already working in the fields they dream of entering. Participate in a panel discussion, host a student for an informational interview, or speak in a classroom or at a club meeting.
Contact [email protected] to find out about current opportunities.
4. Host a Job Shadow
Allowing a student to shadow you at work for a full or partial day is a great way to build relationships with the OSU community while also providing students with a realistic look at a potential career path. Learn more about becoming a job shadow host.
5. Reach out via Handshake
You can also use tools within Handshake to reach out directly to Oregon State students who have chosen to make their profiles public and whose backgrounds match your job qualifications. Learn more about connecting via Handshake.
Partnership & Giving
Want to stand out from the crowd and build your brand on campus? Want to make a lasting impact on Beaver Nation? The Corporate Partnership Program and giving through the OSU Foundation offer a range of benefits that can help your organization become a known and trusted campus partner.