Employer Event Details

Need to know how to make the most of your attendance at a career event on the Oregon State campus? See below for detailed information on event setup and logistics.

Event Details & Logistics

Welcome, Employers!

We are excited to have you on campus. Thank you for your support of OSU and our students. To ensure positive interactions for all, we have some guidelines for recruiters: 

  • All Years, All Majors: We actively invite all students, from first year students to graduate students, to attend recruitment events. Our recruiting events also are open to all OSU disciplines, so you may interact with students representing a wide array of majors interested in exploring different career paths. Even if your organization does not have openings that match a student’s major or interest, please know that showing interest and building relationships with all students you encounter will have a positive effect on your company’s reputation on campus.
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: While on campus, you will meet students from different cultures, backgrounds, identities, and more. Diversity, equity and inclusion are core values at OSU, and we will not tolerate any discriminatory language or behavior from employers or students. Our students are encouraged to bring their whole selves and there is no formal dress recommendation given. 
  • Hiring International Students: OSU has a large international student population. Hiring international students is usually easier than most employers think. If you have questions, please see the Employer Services table for a handout. Also, if your company indicated that it will accept OPT or CPT in its registration, please be prepared to answer questions from international students on this topic (check the booklet to see if your company answered “yes” to that question).

We hope that all attending recruiters will welcome engagement and questions from any and all OSU students. At OSU, we do our best to prepare our students for the workplace and for their responsibilities as citizens and community members. Your attention, conversations, and openness help our students become career ready, and we are grateful that you are here. 



The External Relations Team at Oregon State Universit

Welcome, Employers!

We are excited to have you on campus. Thank you for your support of OSU and our students. To ensure positive interactions for all, we have some guidelines for recruiters: 

  • All Years, All Majors: We actively invite all students, from first year students to graduate students, to attend recruitment events. Our recruiting events also are open to all OSU disciplines, so you may interact with students representing a wide array of majors interested in exploring different career paths. Even if your organization does not have openings that match a student’s major or interest, please know that showing interest and building relationships with all students you encounter will have a positive effect on your company’s reputation on campus.
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: While on campus, you will meet students from different cultures, backgrounds, identities, and more. Diversity, equity and inclusion are core values at OSU, and we will not tolerate any discriminatory language or behavior from employers or students. Our students are encouraged to bring their whole selves and there is no formal dress recommendation given. 
  • Hiring International Students: OSU has a large international student population. Hiring international students is usually easier than most employers think. If you have questions, please see the Employer Services table for a handout. Also, if your company indicated that it will accept OPT or CPT in its registration, please be prepared to answer questions from international students on this topic (check the booklet to see if your company answered “yes” to that question).

We hope that all attending recruiters will welcome engagement and questions from any and all OSU students. At OSU, we do our best to prepare our students for the workplace and for their responsibilities as citizens and community members. Your attention, conversations, and openness help our students become career ready, and we are grateful that you are here. 



The External Relations Team at Oregon State Uni

Welcome, Employers!

We are excited to have you on campus. Thank you for your support of OSU and our students. To ensure positive interactions for all, we have some guidelines for recruiters: 

  • All Years, All Majors: We actively invite all students, from first year students to graduate students, to attend recruitment events. Our recruiting events also are open to all OSU disciplines, so you may interact with students representing a wide array of majors interested in exploring different career paths. Even if your organization does not have openings that match a student’s major or interest, please know that showing interest and building relationships with all students you encounter will have a positive effect on your company’s reputation on campus.
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: While on campus, you will meet students from different cultures, backgrounds, identities, and more. Diversity, equity and inclusion are core values at OSU, and we will not tolerate any discriminatory language or behavior from employers or students. Our students are encouraged to bring their whole selves and there is no formal dress recommendation given. 
  • Hiring International Students: OSU has a large international student population. Hiring international students is usually easier than most employers think. If you have questions, please see the Employer Services table for a handout. Also, if your company indicated that it will accept OPT or CPT in its registration, please be prepared to answer questions from international students on this topic (check the booklet to see if your company answered “yes” to that question).

We hope that all attending recruiters will welcome engagement and questions from any and all OSU students. At OSU, we do our best to prepare our students for the workplace and for their responsibilities as citizens and community members. Your attention, conversations, and openness help our students become career ready, and we are grateful that you are here. 



The External Relations Team at Oregon State University

Updated: Nov. 24, 2024

  • Face coverings are welcome, but not required, at Oregon State University.

If you have any questions or concerns please email Valerie Ferguson.

1. Registration and Payment for Oregon State University Career Fairs and Events

  • Employer registrants agree to full payment of fair or event costs upon approval of their registration and receipt of invoice. Upon submission of a registration form through Handshake, approved registrants will receive an email “receipt of registration/reservation” message with an invoice. Full payments must be received no later than 10 days prior to the date of the fair or event to hold your reservation. Failure to pay by at least 10 days prior to the event may result in your organization being removed from the fair and placed on the employer waiting list. Your attendance at the fair is not fully confirmed until the Career Development Center has received payment. The Career Development Center reserves the right to decline participation based on space availability or industry representation. All registration requests are subject to our employer use policy. Please review all employer policies before your visit to campus.

  • Government agencies and other non-profit organizations with payment restrictions are exempt from the requirement to pay prior to the event. Payment for these registrants is due no later than 30 days after the fair or event for which the employer has registered. 

  • The Career Development Center accepts checks, VISA, Mastercard, and Discover. 

2. Full Refund Requirements

For a full refund of registration fees, the Career Development Center must receive via email a written cancellation notice. This cancellation notice must be received by the Center no less than 10 calendar days prior to the fair or event for which the employer registered. Employers whose cancelations are not received at least 3 business days prior to the fair will not receive a refund and will be charged a late cancellation fee.

3. Late Cancellation Fee

There will be a $150 late fee for cancellations less than 3 business days before the fair or event for which the employer has registered.  

4. No Show Policy

If an employer registers and is confirmed but does not attend the career fair or event and has not given written cancellation notice at least 10 business days prior to the fair, the employer is responsible for payment of the full registration fee.

5. Late Payment Fee

Payments not received within a 30-day period after the date of the fair or event will incur an additional late payment fee of $50.00.

6. Payments

Make checks payable to: 

OSU Career Development Center 

A110 Kerr Administration Building 

Corvallis, OR 97331 

Our Federal Tax ID# 61-1730890 

  • The closest hotel accommodations to the expo location is the Hilton Garden Inn (541-752-5000).
  • For other lodging options, please see local listings at Visit Corvallis
  • The closest hotel accommodations to the expo location is the Hilton Garden Inn (541-752-5000).
  • For other lodging options, please see local listings at Visit Corvallis.

If you are attending the following fairs, you have the option to ship booth materials ahead of time.

  • 2025 Winter Civil, Construction & Architectural Engineering Career & Internship Fair
  • 2025 Winter STEM Industries Career & Internship Fair
  • 2025 Winter All-Industries Career & Internship Fair

Please arrange to have your exhibits and materials arrive at CH2M HILL Alumni Center the week prior to the fair. The address is:

OSU [insert career fair that you are attending]
Oregon State University
725 SW 26th Street
Corvallis, OR 97331

If you have requested access to electricity, we will do our best to accommodate your request, but with limited access we cannot guarantee that it will be available.

Wi-Fi is available on campus as part of your registration fee. Please keep in mind that many employers and students will be utilizing Wi-Fi access during the event, and speeds may be compromised. If you require high speed internet, we suggest that you explore other options of accessing the internet.

You will need to pre-arrange for pick-up of your materials by calling your mailing service for return shipping after the fair.

  • Airborne Express: 800-247-2676
  • FedEx: 800-238-5355
  • UPS: 800-742-5877

All display exhibits must be packed with a return shipping label before you leave the event venue, and checked out with Career Fair S

You will need to pre-arrange for pick-up of your materials by calling your mailing service for return shipping after the fair.

  • Airborne Express: 800-247-2676
  • FedEx: 800-238-5355
  • UPS: 800-742-5877

All display exhibits must be packed with a return shipping label before you leave the event venue, and checked out with Career Fair Staff.